It's time to stop experimenting. It's time to rank and bank. News, Offers and Information on Internet Marketing. Hi Dalla Are you tired of Google knocking your websites around - ranking one day, penalized the next? Do you want to focus on your website and steadily increase your rankin
It's time to stop experimenting. It's time to rank and bank. News, Offers and Information on Internet Marketing. | | | |  | | Hi Dalla Are you tired of Google knocking your websites around - ranking one day, penalized the next? Do you want to focus on your website and steadily increase your rankings without worrying about Google updates and penalties? Safe Rankings Time and time again Google has shown us that manually-created, contextual, relevant and beautiful links are the key to sustainable, long-lasting rankings. We would like to introduce a service which does exactly that, beautiful link building and rankings results that last – Premium Solutions. Now with a temporary 50% discount! How does it work? The team behind this service manually creates blogs on premium Web 2.0 sites (Wordpress, Tumblr, Webnode and many more), fitted with relevant videos, pictures, descriptions, author bio and more. Each blog also has its own unique (no spinning!), researched and well-written article, on a topic related to your niche/website, from a talented team of native English writers. Your report will even include login details to all of the blogs, giving you full control over them! Once the blogs are built, they then receive an assortment of various links in tier 2 and 3, designed to increase the metrical baselines (PA, DA, CF and TF) of the blogs, making them extremely effective at safely ranking your site or even the blogs themselves. You can even opt to add some extremely powerful high PR links in tier 2! Any discounts? Use coupon code SAFERANKINGS to receive a 50% discount on the first month of the subscription package or coupon code SAFERANKINGS2 to receive a 30% discount on the one-time package. Start ranking and stay ranked. It’s time to stop worrying. Grab a discounted package and watch the magic. | | | |  |  | |  |