PirateBay's Newest Domain Feb 2014

Your Current 'White Hat SEO' Isn't Getting You Results? This Is For YOU!

It's time to stop experimenting. It's time to rank and bank. News, Offers and Information on Internet Marketing. Hi Dalla, Let's get this straight. Penguin 4.0 is coming. And when it comes, it's going to leave an impact. Remember all the cries, complaints and disappointments for Penguin 3.0

It's time to stop experimenting. It's time to rank and bank.

News, Offers and Information on Internet Marketing.
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Hi Dalla,

Let's get this straight. Penguin 4.0 is coming. And when it comes, it's going to leave an impact. Remember all the cries, complaints and disappointments for Penguin 3.0 in 2014? If any of the "rumours" are to be believed, Penguin 4.0 is going to be bigger, badder and more devastating. 

Okay.. okay.. I hope I didn't freak you out.

But it's the truth. Penguin 4.0 is coming and that's something no one can deny. There is no official date yet for the release of this update - but we do know 1 thing. It's coming.

Is your website ready?

How does your anchor ratio look? Is it balanced? Is it over optimised? How does your link profile look? Do you have a huge collection of spammy links? Do you have duplicate content issues? Is your website structured correctly? 

I'm sure you've purchased plenty of "white hat" SEO "packages" in the past only to be left disappointed and frustrated.

Thankfully, BlueMist SEO V2 (yep, even better now) just launched a few weeks ago. We're not kidding when we say this - we actually create some of the cleanest links you'll find. Yes, we're long term - and yes, our results are slower due to the strategies we use - but we GET results.

I would recommend you read the rest of this email, but if you'd rather check out our service - click here.

And want to know another thing? In your campaign, we actually use links that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT!

We have a wide variety of UNDISCOVERED LINK PLATFORMS and these are some of the most "white hat" and safest places you can get links. I actually shared one of these on my BHW thread over here.

BlueMist SEO V2 is a complete "white hat" SEO solution. All your direct links are created by hand, manually - and most importantly, they are safe. This is the service you need to be using if you want to increase your chances of staying safe against Google updates.

For a detailed service brochure about BlueMist SEO V2 and to request a FREE quote - please click here.

UnGagged London

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